Association of Poor Oral Health With Neuroimaging Markers of White Matter Injury in Middle-Aged Participants in the UK Biobank | Neurology

Posted by: Yonge Eglinton Periodontics |

Blog by Yonge Eglinton Periodontics

At Yonge Eglington Periodontics, we recognize the critical interplay between oral health and overall well-being. Recent research has shed light on the profound impact of oral health on neurological health, particularly in middle-aged individuals. The study conducted by researchers using UK Biobank data offers compelling insights into this relationship. The investigation aimed to explore whether poor oral health correlates with adverse neuroimaging brain health profiles in middle-aged persons without prior stroke or dementia.

The findings from this two-stage cross-sectional neuroimaging study are both enlightening and concerning. Individuals with poor oral health, defined by the presence of dentures or loose teeth, demonstrated significant associations with adverse neuroimaging markers of brain health. Specifically, they exhibited increased white matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume, alterations in fractional anisotropy (FA), and mean diffusivity (MD) across various brain regions. Furthermore, the study employed Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses, which revealed genetically determined poor oral health to be significantly linked with deteriorated neuroimaging brain health profiles, reinforcing a potentially causal relationship.

As dedicated practitioners, understanding these correlations underscores the importance of comprehensive periodontal care beyond mere dental health. It emphasizes the need for proactive interventions to optimize both oral and neurological well-being, potentially mitigating the risk of future neurological disorders. At Yonge Eglinton Periodontics, we are committed to providing tailored care that considers the holistic health of our patients, striving for healthier smiles and healthier brains alike.

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